Located at National Highway, Near Hanuman Tekri, Abu Road

Whichever villa you choose, the views that greet you will be a constant delight and a daily surprise.  All aimed at enabling you to enjoy life at its best. Internal courtyards, open fire places and traditional stone and wood materials retain the essence of traditional Abu mountain villages.

Natural ventilation fills the rooms with gentle light. Your Each Farm House Offers...

01. Personal Parking

02 Flower Bed

03. Camp Fire & Barbeque Party Garden

04 Personalise Swimming Pool

05 Entrance Porch

06 Open Kitchen

07. Drawing Room 

08. Bed Room.

09. Attach Bath

10. Bed Room with Garden view

11.Attach Bath

12 Kitchen Garden 

13. Fruit and Asset Garden

14: Ayur Garden

15. Hydroaccu pressure Jogging Track

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